Solar Exchange
You're Invited!
Come together with individuals and organizations involved in solar energy to network, learn from each other, and collaborate around solar energy.
April 11
6:00 –7:00 p.m.
San Isabel Electric Headquarters
781 E. Industrial Blvd.
Pueblo West, CO 81007
Our Voices are Stronger Together
Join San Isabel Electric’s Solar Exchange to provide feedback about your solar experience, ask questions about the industry, and discuss how net-metering and solar provides valuable cost-savings to solar member-owners and the electric co-op.
- Together, the 1,207 SIEA members with solar are saving money on energy bills and helping the environment.
- Your solar generation also allows us to buy clean, renewable energy directly from our member-consumers. This helps the co-op to avoid a portion of purchasing power from other non-renewable sources.
- When solar energy is available mid-day, the co-op is able to utilize renewable energy to off-set a portion of the co-ops costs of buying and distributing non-renewable energy.
- Since solar energy is not available at night and during bad weather, SIEA has to contract for that generation capacity and energy elsewhere. This is the energy that is the most expensive for the co-op to purchase.
Proposed Buy-Back Rate Update
Attend the Solar Exchange to learn about a proposal to update the buy-back rate to help San Isabel Electric avoid a portion of purchasing higher-cost, non-renewable power. This will help with long-term rate stability for the entire membership. Solar energy produced by members, sold back to the co-op at the avoided cost rate, can provide value to the entire membership. Potentially, that value can increase if the member’s system is accompanied by a battery storage system.
Mutual Benefits of Battery Storage
Battery storage systems can help maximize your solar savings. Battery storage systems are good for the member-consumer because:
- They can decrease the amount of energy purchased from the electric grid, and keep your home powered with clean energy.
- You can maximize those cost savings and help the co-op with long-term rate stability when you sign up for the time-of-day rate. Only members who have electric storage heating equipment (ETS units), licensed electric vehicle(s), heat pump HVAC system, or battery storage unit(s) approved by San Isabel Electric can apply for the time-of-day rate. Members signed up for the time-of-day rate get eight hours of nearly half-price electricity during summer months and fourteen hours of off-peak rates during winter months.