For immediate release: 12:00 PM – Tuesday, March 26, 2019
It’s not the LED rebate apocalypse, but time is running out to claim a residential LED rebate from San Isabel Electric. Member-owners have eight months to claim a residential LED rebate from the electric co-op, before the rebates expire at the end of 2019.
Lighting accounts for approximately five to ten percent of household energy bills. This amount may not seem like a lot, but it can add up quickly. Energy efficient lighting can result in immediate energy savings which can decrease power consumption and lower electric bills. Plus, upgrading to LED now, in the spring, is a great way to offset costs associated with cooling your home in the summer.
Just one dollar of electricity will buy 730 hours of LED bulb usage at San Isabel Electric’s current residential rate. One dollar will only buy 148 hours of incandescent bulb usage at the residential rate. Additionally, LEDs can last 20-30 times longer than incandescent bulbs.
Through 2019, any member-owner of San Isabel Electric can claim a rebate up to $400 for purchasing LED lightbulbs or fixtures or any combination of the two. The co-op will reimburse members up to 50 percent of the cost to purchase light bulbs or fixtures up to $8 per bulb/fixture and up to a maximum of 50 bulbs or $400.
To claim the rebate, member-owners must fill out a Rebate Request Form, which is available online at or a hard copy can be picked up at any San Isabel Electric office location. A receipt or paid invoice must be returned with the completed Rebate Request Form within 120 days of the product’s purchase to claim the rebate. The rebates are exclusively available to San Isabel Electric members only.
The co-ops energy efficiency program includes a total of 38 residential rebate options, which are all listed at, along with the co-ops commercial rebate programs.
Eighty-six San Isabel Electric commercial and residential member-owners have claimed more than $184,577 in LED rebates, since the program began.
For rebate questions, please contact San Isabel Electric’s Energy Services Department by calling 719-647-6242 or emailing
As a not-for-profit cooperative utility, San Isabel Electric provides affordable, reliable electricity with exceptional service to communities throughout southern Colorado. Serving nearly 20,000 Member-owners and 24,000 meters, San Isabel Electric has been keeping the lights on since 1938. We don’t just serve communities. We are part of communities.
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