
For immediate release:
10:00 PM – Wednesday, June 19, 2019
San Isabel Electric is sending a record number of young members on two all-expense paid, weeklong youth leadership trips this summer.

Five San Isabel Electric high school juniors are joining hundreds of electric cooperative youth from across the country on the two weeklong, all-expense-paid leadership trips.

The focus of both trips will be on cooperative governance and building leadership skills, but they’ll also have learned a lot about themselves by the time they return home. For many of them these trips are their first time away from their parents for a whole week.

On June 13, Sherri Wood and Ashlyn Danielson of Pueblo West High School traveled to Washington D.C. for the 2019 Electric Cooperative Youth Tour, where they experienced more than a dozen monuments, had dinner with a legislator, and visited with U.S. Senators and Representatives.

Molly Wolyn and Emily Peterson, of Rye High School, and Sam Stosek of Pueblo District 70 Online, will be traveling to a resort near Steamboat Springs in mid-July for the 2019 Electric Cooperative Youth Camp.

Youth Camp will be focused on how electricity and renewables work. The kids will tour a power plant, raft down the Colorado River and participate in other mountain recreation fun.

Youth Tour and Camp participants are also taught about the seven cooperative principles all co-ops are founded upon. All electric co-ops are led by local members who can understand and listen to the community. Youth Camp and Youth Tour participants discover how to take advantage of the same opportunities to shape their future communities and government, in the same way they can shape the future of their electric co-op.

Any high school junior whose family buys power from San Isabel Electric is eligible to apply for the annual trips.

San Isabel Electric typically sends up to two young members to Washington D.C and one to the resort near Steamboat. This year, the co-op had some marketing-related budget savings and was able to send two to Youth Tour and three to Youth Camp.


As a not-for-profit cooperative utility, San Isabel Electric provides affordable, reliable electricity with exceptional service to communities throughout southern Colorado. Serving nearly 20,000 Member-owners and 24,000 meters, San Isabel Electric has been keeping the lights on since 1938. We don’t just serve communities. We are part of communities.