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Air Source Heat Pumps


Make the home improvements you need now without paying any interest.

0% interest for 12 months financing available

Make the energy-saving home improvements you need now without paying any interest.

To learn more about our limited time 0% financing offer, please call 800-279-SIEA (7432) or click the button below and we will reach out to you. San Isabel Electric must be your electric utility. 

*A credit check is required for projects more than $5,000. 

Air Source Heat Pumps

Air-source heat pumps are an ideal low-carbon HVAC package that provide all-in-one, highly efficient heating and cooling for residences. While most buildings have a furnace and separate air conditioning system to stay comfortable year-round, those with heat pumps generally only need one system.

Heat pumps have been used for decades, but today’s units operate at previously unmatched levels of efficiency with tough and reliable compressors. Heat pumps cool your house by removing heat energy from the home and pumping it outdoors. To heat your home, a heat pump absorbs heat energy from outside air – even in extremely cold temperatures – and transfers it inside the home. This is ‘greener’ and more efficient than burning fuels to create heat, as a furnace does, and is ideally paired with a PV system.

Southern Colorado’s moderate climate is perfect for heat pump use, as our temperatures do not often fall below subfreezing. Today’s heat pumps are capable of providing comfort in all climate zones.

Click here to read about some of the latest heat pump innovations.