

Colorado Country Life and Press Releases


Colorado Country Life

Keep up with San Isabel Electric news by reading the monthly edition of Colorado Country Life magazine, published by the Colorado Rural Electric Association, Inc. This colorful and engaging magazine keeps you in the know about energy industry news, feature stories, gardening tips, recipes and so much more.

As a Member of San Isabel Electric Association, Inc. you receive a complimentary copy of Colorado Country Life delivered to your mailbox each month.

Click here to read previous issues. 


Trinidad Office Temporarily Closed

Due to a vehicle collision with an exterior wall, our Trinidad office is closed until further notice as a precaution. We apologize for the inconvenience. For members who typically visit this office to make payments, we offer several alternative options. Dropbox Check...

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Stay in Touch: Don’t miss out on Capital Credit Checks

Unclaimed capital credits are typically the result of San Isabel Electric having members’ incorrect contact information. Capital credits may continue to be mailed many years after credits are earned; please ensure San Isabel Electric always has your current mailing...

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New Program Simplifies Electric Bills

Budget Billing Evens Out Monthly Payments San Isabel Electric has a new program to make members’ monthly electric bills more predictable and budgeting easier. Budget billing allows member-owners to pay a set amount each month. Payments are calculated based on the...

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Powering Community

Unclaimed dollars make a difference Electric cooperatives — including San Isabel Electric — are built on the principle of community service. There are few initiatives that highlight this better than our community donation and sponsorship program. San Isabel Electric...

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Understanding SIEA Payment Options

Paying your electric bill doesn’t have to be complicated. San Isabel Electric Association has simplified the process with a range of convenient payment options that can help members stay on top of their electricity expenses. DIGITAL PAYMENT OPTIONS SIEA offers a range...

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When Breakfast is More Than Just a Meal

A record-breaking effort to fight hunger Imagine trying to eat breakfast with no electricity — no stove, microwave, or fridge to store milk. Did you know instant oatmeal is one of few nutrient-rich foods that can be prepared by just adding water? This is a game...

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Energy Gap: Renewable Paired with Batteries

The path to a 100% carbon-free energy economy is not straightforward. The challenge lies in meeting the increasing demand for electricity while complying with state and federal mandates for emissions reduction that requires an increasing amount of power from...

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Record Snowfall Highlights Success of Grid Upgrades

The second weekend of November felt like we were inside a snow globe. Giant fluffy snowflakes drifted down from the sky for three days, resulting in record-breaking snowfall for the region. Fortunately, we had only a few short-lived outages and, thankfully, the wind...

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Geothermal’s role in achieving 100% carbon-free energy

Geothermal energy harnesses the earth’s internal heat, a renewable source continuously generated within the planet. This renewable energy resource could have a role in Colorado’s transition to 100% carbon-free energy if significant high-temperature resources are...

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Adding small stones to a scale – 2025 rate adjustment

With the ever-increasing cost of living, San Isabel Electric — as a not-for-profit utility — also faces rising costs of doing business. Fortunately, most years, these increases are gradual. Imagine a scale: on one side is, our member-owners; on the other is the...

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Paris Daugherty, Communications Manager

Learn how energy-saving products and services can lower your electric bill. Apply for 0% interest financing today.

San Isabel Electric must be your electric utility to qualify. 

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